Deerfield Township Service Department - Parks & Recreation
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Cottell Park - Deerfield Honors Veterans Park


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Snyder House (First Floor)
Shelter #1 (near large playground/pond)

= Unavailable     = Available

Facility Area Information

5847 Irwin Simpson Road
Deerfield Township, OH 45040

Contact: Deerfield Township  Phone: (513) 701-6958
Status: Open

Veterans Memorial

The Deerfield Honors Veterans Park is located in the northwest edge of Cottell Park.

This inspirational park honors the service of all past and present members of our Armed Forces and features a gateway arch with bell tower, lighted 50-foot flagpole, bronze statue, granite monument, contemplation stations, and commemorative bricks. The culmination of over 8 years of careful planning, fundraising and construction, this park is a unique and lasting salute to past, present and future generations who take up the call to arms in order that the rest of us may remain free.

Completed in 2009, this "park within a park" was made possible by the support of Deerfield Township Trustees, residents, and employers. The park was funded primarily by Deerfield residents and employers whose generous contributions are greatly appreciated.

Donation Program
Engraved Memorial Brick Pavers

Thank You Sponsors
(Updated January 2009)
Corporate Sponsors
Bricker & Associates
Carter Hall Farm Chef's Café
Jim Clark & Sons Excavating
Cinergy Foundation
Donellon, Donellon & Miller
DAV Warren County 59
Eric Hickman, DDS, MS
The Robert Glover Co.
Hummer of Cincinnati
Key Foundation
Kings HS Band
Kramer & Associates
Landen Sports Café
Carl H. Lindner
Mason Middle School
D. Middleton Construction Co
Jeff Moore Construction
Anthony Munoz
Paul W. Powell & Co.
Robert Rhein Interests
Shawhan Associates
Sieber Construction
Crawford Subway
Singer Wallcoverings
Sora's Towing
Tri-County Heating & Cooling
VFW Post 7696, 
West Chester, Ohio
Yellow Ribbon Support Center
Warren County Veterans Service Commission
Alan Zaring
In Memory ofJack Forste  
Bowen, Paulette & Gerry
Forste, Ann
Groseth, Marvin & Arlene
Hood, Roger & Milda
Jackson, Rolfes, Spurgeon & Co
McMillian, Robert
Mertz, Elaine & Roberts
Morand, Bill & Jane
Phillips, Beverly
Scott, Vernon & Rose
Smithson, Kyle & Lynnette
Sprunk, Connie & William
Winstel, Patricia & Edward
In Memory of Hugh Bresnahan  
Alpha Omega Epsilon alumnae
Appis, Sally & Robert
Batory, Barbara & Thomas
Clege Family
Cox, Janet
Crocket, Raellyn
Dovebid, Inc.
Eschmeyer, Duane & Maureen
Gamma Kappa of Epsilon Sigma Alpha
Grodie, Harry
Roberts, Ramona & Donald
Haverkos, Linda, Al, Brad & Brian
Kramer, Bill
Morand, Jane & Bill
Moseley, Catherine
Neumann, Tom & Marcella
Oberhand, Erica
Obermeier, Rhonda & Lou
Poon, Philip, Alexandria, David & Stephen
Primett, Rosemary
Schmerge, Connie & Valerie
Schnauber, Janet & Robert
Schneller, Gwynedd & William
Smith, Olivia
Stafford, Shirley
Stafford, Shirley
Tilley, Loretta & Morris
Wandstrat, Herb & Susan
Westrich, Joan & Michael
Individual/Family Sponsors  
Acton, Kari
Alderson, Dick
Allen, William Jr.
Anderson, Jeffrey R.
Arnet, Jennifer
Arnold, Byron
Babcock, Nan Bongiani
Bailey, Gary
Bailey, June
Balmer, Michael
Barnes, Steven
Baston, Clyde
Batchler, Kenneth
Bauer, Fred
Bells, Larry
Bender, Robert
Benson, Jeff
Berchtold, Jacob
Bergman, Susan
Biederman, Sandra
Bird, Martin
Bletz, Beverly & Tom
Blumberg, David
Bohlin, Peggy & Jeffrey
Bresnahan, Sharon
Bresnahan, Sharon & Hugh
Brodbeck, Joyce & Robert
Brodbeck, Robert
Bromen, Nathan
Broughton, Claude
Burge, Linda & Curt
Burge, Matthew
Burkhardt, LTC Albert R. USAR (Ret)
Burress, April
Cain, Patrick
Camarca, David
Carter, Betty & Bob
Chapman, Bruce
Clark, Holly
Compton, Mary
Connor, Pat & Matt
Cook, Tammy
Cornett, Michael
Cox, Sherry
Dakin, Kevin
Davis, Dr. Gregory
Davis, Virgil
Dearworth, Terri
DeRhodes, Lee
Derosa, Mike
Dettor, Paul
Dotson, Ben
Dunn, Tawnya
Dupps, Dennis
Earnhart, Roger
Ernst, Christine
Evans, Alden
Evans, Donna & Aldan
Ferguson, Dan
Ferrell, Carla
Fliegel, Jeff
Forbes, Virginia
Fornshell, David
Forste, Dave and Nancy
Forste, Nancy & Dave
Fried, Barbara
Frizzell, Sherry & Robert
Gaerke, Elizabeth
Gaffney, Paul
Gall, Charlie
Glaesner, Janet
Glender, CS
Grasa, Mike
Gully, Dave
Gurry, Frank
Hamilton, Roland
Kirby, Kenneth
Kirby, Margueritte & James
Klote, Paul
Koepfle, Jay
Kolda, Betty & Donald
Haroules, Stephen
Hayden, Mark
Hemmert, Edward
Hennel, Wilbert
Hilliard, Jamie
Hopfensberger, Wayne
Horwedel, Kim & Greg
Howard, Stephen
Hudson, Cecil
Hutsenpiller, Bob
Jackson, Jamie
Johnson, Page
Kall, Tommy & Care
Kasulones, Ronald
Keegan, Lisa
Kemper, Tracy
Keuhling, Mary
Keys, James Jr. & Family
Kidwell, Debra
Kings High School Band
Krepps, Tracey
Kuvin, Randall
Landis, Doretta & Del
Lentz-Liddell, Lisa
Lindner, Edyth & Carl
Love, Robert
Lundberg, John
Lynch, Jill
Malhotra, Ramesh & Chris
Malone, William
Marsh, Judity
McCollum, Olivia
McGlone, Tony
McGrath, Cynthia
McMillian, Sherry & Raymond
Meade, Matthew
Meiners, Joyce
Metz, Tamara
Milbrada, Jeanne & Ed
Miller, Jim
Molten Family
Morand, Bill
Morwood, Patty
Moseley, Catherine
Munoz, Michael
Nauman, Carrie & Terry
Nijakowski, Timothy & Wendy
Nobles, Charles
O'Donnell, Deborah
Oeder, Alfred
Partch, Patricia
Peebles, Katherine
Pettigrew Family
Pisciotta, Hal
Plahovinsak, John
Poole, Mark
Raga, Tom
Reed, Barbara
Rennegarbe, James
Rhoda, James
Richardson, Bart
Rieger, Melisa
Rinehart, James
Rogers, Lawrence
Rohrig, Melanie
Romano, Jennifer & Chris
Romano, Kathleen & John
Rosenberger, Raymond
Sand, Sharon & David
Schmalstig, Roy
Schutte, Sara
Seitz, Michael
Seltz, Donald
Shelton, Sandy
Shumaker, Sharleen
Simmons, Randy
Singleton, Mark
Sison, Arnel
Slaughter, Russ
Smiddy, Katie
Smith, Elliot
Smith, Lonnie
Smith, Paul A.
Smith, Robyn
Smith, Stephen D.
Smithson, Kyle
Spiekerman, Michael
Srpunk, Bill & Connie
Staubitz, Mr & Mrs Henry
Steirwalt, Matthew
Stokely, Tracey
Stump, Linda
Sullivan, Jean & Richard
Sullivan, Richard
Sutton, Richard
Taff, Jolie
Takeuchi, Satoshi
Tarasenko, Alex
Tassone, Liz & Don
Terry, Mr & Mrs Dennis
Thomas, Randall
Thomas, Raymond & Deborah
Thompson, Charlanne
Thompson, Joseph
Toy, Eric
Wade, John
Wagner, David
Wagner, Jennifer
Walkup, Jeffrey
Warden, Gary
Wasser, Rob
Webber, Cathy
Webster, April
Wenstrup, Dr. Brad
Westheimer, John
Wheeler, Margaret
White, Daniel
Whittle, Barbara
Wilkens, Herbert
Wilkens-Reed, Barbara
Wolf, Clifford E
York, Gerald
Zureick, Beverly

Reservations & Activities

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