Quilt Barns

What is a Quilt Barn?
Quilt Barns are quilt squares painted on boards and then mounted on barns or other buildings. Quilt Barns can be traditional quilt square patterns or unique designs. They are created to honor the history of a loved one or the property where they reside. Quilt barns can be organized into a trail, leading to other points of interest. Deerfield Township partnered with The Arts Alliance to bring this unique public art to the community and maintains installations in several parks.
Fleckenstein Flower
Installed October 3, 2010 at Fleckenstein Park
Nestled among the green, rolling landscape of Fleckenstein Park sits Warren County’s first Quilt Barn. With original design by local artist and sculptor Denny Means, the gold, blue and red flower is tailor made for the historic barn. The work is 8′ x 8′ and was created on MDO sign board. The top layer is finished with masonite and a total of four gallons of paint were used. There are more than 14 different colors on the artwork, and seven colors were hand mixed by the artist.
King's Crown
Installed August 27, 2011 at Carter Park
The King’s Crown is another original design by local artist, Denny Means. Designed to recognize the success of Ahimaaz King and his Powder Keg Factory in Kings Mills, Ohio, the beautiful work of art dons layers and layers of paint and varnish and showcases the Triad Color Scheme.
The Circle Game
Installed September 21, 2013 at Cottell Park
Deerfield Township and the The Arts Alliance unveiled Warren County's third quilt barn, The "Circle Game", at Cottell Park on September 21, 2013 during the FallFair Arts Festival. A special thanks to the creative youth from the 2013 Deerfield Township Summer Camp who contributed their artwork and the Means Family for their dedication and design.