Memorial Donations

Donation Programs
Support your parks and honor a loved one in a very special way. Deerfield Township offers memorial trees, memorial benches, and veteran's memorial brick pavers.
Please click the links below for more details and to purchase items online.
Tree DedicationsVeterans Memorial Bricks
Bench Dedications
Please note, We impose a surcharge on credit cards of 3%, which is not greater than our cost of acceptance.
Tree Dedications
View Tree Dedication Options
Trees are available for purchase and placement in a Deerfield Township Park to commemorate a person, group, or event such as an outstanding achievement, birthday, anniversary, birth, or life of a loved one.
Donations include one (1) engraved stone to be placed at the base of the tree. There is a 30 character limit on the name and date engraving. Please note that only one (1) stone per tree is permitted.
Donors may select the preferred park. Deerfield Township will determine the appropriate planting location within the park. Donors will be notified of the specific planting location via email after the tree has been installed. Please click here to view the current designated planting areas by park.
Deerfield reserves the right to substitute a similar tree of equal value if the specific tree requested is not available. Trees are guaranteed for one year. After one year, Deerfield Township is not responsible for replacing trees that are no longer viable.
You may order memorial trees at any time; orders are consolidated for planting in the Spring and Fall. Spring planting deadline to order is March 31st. Fall planting deadline to order is September 30th.
Veterans Memorial Bricks
View Veterans Memorial Brick Options
Pay tribute to a loved one who has served in the armed forces through an engraved commemorative brick.
Brick orders are consolidated and sent for engraving on a quarterly basis. (The intent of the memorial is to honor those who served in the armed forces. Engraved text is limited to verbiage that meets this criteria.)
There will not be any items to pick up. Bricks will be installed in the Deerfield Honors Veterans Memorial by the Deerfield Township Parks Department. (Personal Tribute Bricks will be shipped directly to the purchaser.)
Bench Dedications
View Bench Dedication Options
Benches are available for purchase and placement in Deerfield Township Parks to commemorate a person, group, or event such as an outstanding achievement, birthday, anniversary, birth, or life of a loved one.
The bench will be placed at one of Deerfield Township's parks and will remain on park grounds until it becomes unsafe or aesthetically unacceptable. Donors may select the preferred park location. Deerfield Township will determine the appropriate installation location within the park. Donors will be notified of the specific installation location after the bench has been installed.
Processing typically takes 6 - 10 weeks. Orders received from April through August will be processed as they come in. (Orders received from September through March will be processed in April as the installation requires warmer weather.)