Deerfield Township Service Department - Parks & Recreation
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Teen Volunteer Agreement/Waiver (14 - 17 yrs old) Register View Cart

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Deerfield Parks! Your service benefits the community and is greatly appreciated.

Deerfield offers volunteer opportunities throughout the year, including special events and park maintenance/improvement projects. Our goal is to utilize the skills and interests of volunteers to enhance the services provided to the community while giving volunteers a meaningful experience.

Volunteers are individuals who perform services without pay (i.e. voluntary service). Volunteers serve "at will" and are not considered employees of the Township.

This form must be completed by the legal parent/guardian. This form includes our Volunteer Agreement and Waiver and Release, Volunteer Code of Conduct, and Volunteer Rights & Responsibilities. Volunteer Opportunities are registered for separately.

Please Note: To complete the volunteer application, you will add the "membership" to your cart and process it through check out. Please complete the "Check Out Online" process all the way through, including clicking the "process invoice" button on the final screen. You will not be charged for completing the form.

Teen Volunteer
Register Membership Ages Grades Fees
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Teen Volunteer (Annual Waiver/Agreement)  14y - 17y N/A $0.00 Res, $0.00 Non-Res

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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